Creative Living
Living a creative life doesn't mean making a living from your art. A creative life consciously shows up honoring your unique authentic self and making conscious purposeful decisions. Living a creative live means creating more than consuming. When we are consuming what others want us to think, feel and do, we are living a life on default. Living a life of more consuming than creating, can make us feel stuck, bored and envious because we don't notice we are making the conscious decision to be consumers of everyone else's offerings.
Together we can explore your life and how you want to live it and be remembered. We will uncover your purpose whether it is about touching others with your kindness or creating a non-profit in your name for a cause. Creating meaning through everyday living can lead to legacy projects that put our ideas into reality.
While keeping creativity at the core, we will explore ego, altruism, love, routine and celebrations, organization, death talk, sprit, gratitude, and purpose.
$65/ hour, free 15 minute consultation
Creative Living with Purpose

Your Creative Life
Finding your purpose carries so much weight. Think of purpose as ever evolving and allow it to change as life goes on. Together we can look at your strengths and values and align them with your purpose. Finding meaning and allowing creativity into your life should be fun and should evolve over time. When we find meaning in what we do, we want to pass that gift on to family or community through legacy projects.

Doing things for others leads to a happier more meaningful life. Say a loving kindness silently to others as you wait in line or randomly buy the person behind you a coffee.

Give Love Freely and Forgive
The more you can love and let go of anger to those who have wronged you, the more at peace you will be. Give love freely and unconditionally and learn to forgive.

Explore ego and attachments
When we are attached to someone or something, it means we want or need circumstances to be a certain way. We might not want our children to grow up or our bodies to stay a certain way. We want things to be different or we want them to be the same. The truth is that life happens, sometimes matching our desires and often not. How do we meet those moments in our life? We can't always control it, but we can control how we respond.
Are you weighed down by hopes and expectations? Are you resisting what is actually happening?
Ego is an intricate mess of emotional attachments such as sense of loss, careers, relationships, opinions and values. When the attachments are threatened, the result is pain. earn to have less attachments to ego. Letting of ego might mean receiving what is happening without resistance.

Routine and gatherings
Routines create meaning. Plan to see friends, make dates with your kids, create walks with others. Gatherings are a beautiful way to celebrate milestones or just enjoy one another's company. Plan gatherings that are easy and stress free so you can enjoy the festivities. Join me in one of my upcoming gathering classes.

Sadness at end of life can often come from the attachment to the past. We often believe we should have done things differently or we should have been different. While finding the good is not always easy, practicing gratitude can help you live in the present and appreciate the moment.

Getting organized can be life changing. Living in chaos can feel overwhelming and can even cause depression. Get rid of items that no longer serve you can allow for more freedom, joy and meaning in your life.

Allow time to tap into your spiritual side. People who do find more meaning in life. This doesn't have to be an organized religion. You can find your spirit through regular yoga classes, meditation groups, hiking adventures or time in nature.

Death Conversations
Having conversations around death allow for less fear at the end. If we can allow for others to know the life we want to live and the way we want to die, we can view death as another part of life. Talk with family and loved ones about your wishes, and why you think they are important. Work with family members to have paperwork in eluding Advanced Care Directives in order.
"I can't believe I finished my legacy project, a book about my life that will live on. I never thought I could do it. Forever grateful."
-M. Ann
"This is a place of shimmering energy and bright light, working to help me live my best, creative life."
-B. Walters
"I was overwhelmed and felt I had done nothing important in my life. I was shown all the amazing work I had accomplished and created a beautiful legacy project that I could pass down to my children. I am forever grateful.
-Jane B